There are nearly 20,000; commercial fires each year in the UK. This demonstrates the importance of taking fire safety obligations seriously.
Fire Extinguishers are often the first line of defence in the event of a fire, and it is important that your fire extinguishers are ready in this event. We offer a full comprehensive service package to ensure that your fire extinguishers remain legally compliant and in full working order. All fire legislation in England and Wales is covered by the regulatory reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 also known as RRO. This covers all non-domestic premises with a few minor exceptions. The regulations state that business owner's and designated responsible persons are responsible for carrying out a Risk Assessment and implementing and maintaining a fire management plan

There are currently 6 categories of fire involving different substances that need to be taken into account when choosing the right fire extinguishers:

Class A This is burning flammable solids as fuel egg. Paper and wood

Extinguishers that can be used

Water, Foam, ABC powder Wet chemical

Class B These are burning flammable liquids for example petrol and paint

Extinguishers that can be used

Foam, Co2, ABC Dry Powder

Class C These are burning flammable gasses for example Propane & Butane

Extinguishers that can be used

ABC Dry Powder

Class D These are burning Flammable Metals these for example Lithium or magnesium

Extinguishers that can be used

Dry Special Powder

Electrical Fires These fires are any fires involving electrical equipment

Extinguishers that can be used

Co2 & ABC Powder

Class F These are fires that are burning cooking oil or fats

Extinguishers that can be used

Wet Chemical

All fire extinguishers must conform to British Standards. It is very important that the correct type of fire extinguisher is used for the risk, location and business associated

How many fire extinguishers do I need?

The regulations state that a minimum of two Class A fire extinguishers are needed on every floor of a building unless the premises are very small, in this case, one may be sufficient. All premises with electrical equipment must have at least one 2kg Co2 Fire extinguisher this must be 5Kg Co2 if there is 415V equipment present. The actual number will depend on the size of the area that needs protecting and the risk associated with the business (what the business does). Our engineers can advise on the correct type, recommended amount, and best location of the Fire extinguishers. If there are other fire fighting provisions in place there may be fewer fire extinguishers required

What happens during a fire extinguisher service?

Our fully qualified BAFE Engineers carry out fire extinguisher servicing in accordance with BS5306, and they will check:

  • Is the fire extinguisher still in date?
  • Is it in good condition (Visibly?)
  • Has the extinguisher been tampered with?
  • Is the weight and pressure of the extinguisher correct?
  • Does the pin work?
  • Is the hose in good working order?
  • Are the instructions on the extinguisher legible?

When a service is carried out on the extinguisher all O rings will be replaced and the extinguisher will be serviced in accordance with BS5306 and a maintenance label attached detailing all service needs and history of the extinguisher. A full report and certification detailing the extinguisher location and condition will be made available after testing is carried out. If a fire extinguisher fails during the maintenance check, we will identify it clearly and inform the person responsible that oversees the fire safety, we can offer a no-obligation quote on any replacement extinguishers this can also include commissioning and disposal of old Fire extinguishers

All our engineers are BAFE qualified, have full DBS Checks, and will work around your needs to ensure that the maintenance programme of your fire extinguisher is not disruptive.

Enquire about Fire Extinguishers & Fire Alarms